Thank you letters from Cherise

    To Family

    みなさん、どうもありがとうございました。ぜんぶとてもたのしかった。あえて、うれしかった。いつも、 みなさんとてもやさしかったです。いまからあおいさんとたいそうさんとなおさんとまなさんとじょのすけさんはわたしのかぞくですよ。おじいさんもおばあさんもかぞくですよ。いつでもアメリカにきてください。どうもありがとうございました。

    To Schools

    Thank you for allowing me to attend school for the time I stayed In Japan. I learned so much while in the classroom. Even if I couldn’t understand I was able to learn about the culture behind Japanese schools. I think my favorite thing was how respectful the students are to the teachers. It inspired me to be even more respectful to my teachers in America. I am glad I could join in on all the daily activities, such as cleaning and the sports games every week. Once again, thank you for accepting me into your school. どうもありがとうございました。
    Thank you,
    Cherise M. White

    To Volunteers

    To MNCC and Volunteers,
    To those who raised money and helped make this trip possible for me, thank you. I have learned lots from this experience and I plan on spreading it with other people. The cultures of America and Japan differ in many ways and I am happy I learned about Japan with your help. I never had any problems because of everyone’s kindness. Thank you very much for choosing me to go on this homestay, I appreciate everyone’s kindness. I hope this program will continue to send other students on trips like this, my eyes were opened to how different another culture is and how important it is to be aware of another person’s culture. I want to learn more and more about Japan and other cultures. どうもありがとうございました。
    Thank you,
    Cherise M. White

    Cherise's Journal
    Cherise's Photo album
    Activity report